We can’t wait to get back to Mexico … Sayulita and especially Casa Paloma! The first thing we noticed about Sayulita is how safe and friendly it feels. Kids are playing in the town square. People will not only give you directions, they’ll walk you half way there to make sure you’re on the right track! First off – Casa Paloma is simply amazing; it’s the most beautifully architectured house in town AND at the top of the most perfectly situated hill in town. The 360% panorama of ocean, beach, town-center and pueblo neighborhood make you”mayor of Sayulita for a week!”. It’s a 2 minute walk to beach, shopping and dining yet a comfortable distance from the din of the Sayulita life. The Pacific Ocean is Casa Paloma’s back yard; there is the constant sound of surf and a cool breeze flowing up the hill from the better-than-the-pictures” ocean vista. The waves below the property are perfect for first timers, rent a board for $5 and cowabunga! Probably every restaurant in town is worth writing about. But the best food we had was at Casa Paloma! In fact you don’t even need to leave the house if you don’t want to. Stock the fridge from the Mini-super 2 blocks away, buy loads of fresh fruits and veggies from the trucks that cruise the neighborhoods like ice-cream vendors (the house stocks iodine wash so with a 15 min’ soak you can feel safe about consuming produce.) House-keeper Dora’s tamales are not to be missed! And really we found no restaurant to match the views from Casa Paloma. The open architecture makes you feel like you are outside even though you are safely under the shade and rain cover of verandas. The decor is stunning, every corner alive with the best of local art; inlaid sea shell mosaics decorate the bathrooms. With the heated pool and plush lawn chairs, some days you never even make it to the beach! Our room was perfect, nice wide screen TV and large comfy bed. Our friends rooms were equally and uniquely magnificent. Will we return? Most definitely!

– Mel & Deb, Phoenix, AZ

Stayed: May 2011
Source: VRBO
Recommended for: Families with young children, Sightseeing, Girls getaway, Tourists without a car, Adventure seekers, Age 55+, Romantic getaway, Families with teenagers